Food Innovation for Health, Wellness, and Performance
Time: 5pm to 8 pm
Venue: 4th floor, Green Chemical Futures building
Address: 86, 13 Rainforest Walk, Monash Clayton campus
Dress Code: Business Casual

RSVP: By Thursday 8 August 2024
Why Attend:
- Discover how the industry is evolving to meet consumer demands for products with added functionality, active ingredients, and proven benefits that enhance overall well-being.
- Hear from industry experts as they discuss the scientific approach to understanding the efficacy of functional ingredients and foods, as well as connect with like-minded professionals, industry leaders, and innovators in the field.
Ricardo Costa
Associate Professor (Reader) in Sports Dietetics & Extremes Physiology
Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food
Louise E. Bennett
Professor of Food Chemistry,
Course Director, Master of Food Science and Agribusiness
Co-director, Monash Food Innovation
School of Chemistry | Faculty of Science
Industry Speakers
Katrina Strazdins
Group Manager - Nutrition
Bega Group
Dr Sherry Sui
Head of Product Innovation & Technical Affairs
True Protein