Innovation Ecosystem Mixer

Meet the people and providers powering innovation in Queensland. Program facilitators, hubs, accelerators and venture capital firms will be on display – a unique reverse pitch opportunity and recruitment drive for eligible startups and scaleups.

Organiser: Proudly hosted by Advance Queensland and QIC

Date: Monday 26th August 2024
Time: 5pm to 7pm
Venue: TC Beirne Laneway @ The Precinct (Ground Floor)
Innovation Ecosystem Mixer

Cost: Free (but places are limited and booking is essential)

ASTN will exhibit at the event and early-stage and growth-stage startup founders will be able to learn about the opportunities to participate in upcoming ASTN programs. ASTN Team members will be available to answer questions in relation to the QIC-funded mentoring programs as well as the Venture Capital Partner Network opportunities.

Related Announcements and Program Information:

Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC) and ASTN announce series of entrepreneurial program
ASTN early-stage mentoring program funded by QIC

photo from event