ISCRR Learning Series Webinar- Workers Compensation and Head Trauma in Professional Sport
Organiser: Institute for Safety, Compensation and Recovery Research (ISCRR)
Date: Tuesday 10 October 2023Time: 11.00am-12noon (AEDT)
Eric's bio
Dr Eric Windholz is a Senior Lecturer at Monash University, and formerly was General Manager, Strategic Programs and Support and General Counsel with WorkSafe Victoria. Eric researches in the area of regulatory theory and practice, or what he describes as the science and art of modern regulatory practice. Recently, Eric has focussed on the application of regulatory theory to the world of professional sport and has written and presented extensively on the application of work health and safety law and workers compensation to professional sport. Eric appeared before the recent Senate Inquiry into concussions and repeated head trauma in contact sports and was quoted and cited extensively in its report.
Eric's contact information
Dr Eric Windholz
Senior Lecturer
Director, Juris Doctor
Fellow, Australian Centre for Justice Innovation
Associate, Monash Centre for Commercial Law and Regulatory Studies